Types of Mixtures

Concept Explanation

Types of Mixtures

Mixtures are materials that contain two or more chemical substances dispersed among each other. A mixture shows the properties of its constituents. Depending on nature of components, mixture can be of two types:

  • Homogeneous Mixture : -

  •  It is a mixture in which the constituents are uniformly distributed, that is it has same composition throughout. E.g. salt dissolves in water to form a homogeneous mixture. Most homogeneous mixtures are called solutions like tea, coffee etc.

  • Heterogeneous Mixture :-

  • it is a mixture in which the constituents do not get mixed uniformly. E.g. sand and sawdust form a Heterogeneous mixture.

    Types of Mixtures: 

    Mixtures can be categorized into various types, depending on the physical states of the constituents. Some of these types are discussed here.

  • Solid - Solid mixture : A mixture of sugar (solid) and sand (solid)
  • Solid - Liquid mixture : A mixture of common salt (solid) and water (liquid) is an example of a solid—liquid mixture.
  • Solid - Gas mixture : Air in the pores of soil particles is an example of this type of mixture.
  • Liquid - Gas mixture : All gases are partially miscible with liquids like in aerated drinks.
  • Gas - Gas mixture: All gases mix together, provided they do not react chemically. For example, hydrogen and oxygen gases mix together in all proportions. Air is a mixture of several gases.
  • Liquid - Liquid mixture : Examples of liquid—liquid mixtures are water — alcohol mixture and water-oil mixture.
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Air is a ______________

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    A homogeneous mixture among the following is:

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Which of the following are examples of mixture of solid and liquid:

    (1) Milk and water

    (2) Sugar Solution

    (3) Salt Solution

    (4) Soil and water solution.

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
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